The other evening without Marshall I was less-than-patient with the older kids about a messy bedroom. I brought them downstairs for the promised movie and Lindsey plopped herself down on the couch. I was getting the movie ready and she said "Mommy, even though you just got mad at us I still love you." When we are taught in the scriptures to be like little children, I think this is what Heavenly Father means. I sat next to her, snuggled her and gave my apology. She smiled a big, knowing smile. She knew she had turned my tide. I planned to do busy "house stuff" druring the movie, but instead sat and snuggled and watched with all those delicate little faces, and big glossy eyes. I think I watched them watching the movie more than I watched the movie itself.
I love their innocence right now. It won't last forever, one day they will have the eyes of an adult, critical and judgemental, quick to find fault, yet full of fault the whole while. It almost makes me weepy to think of them growing in that way. I love our little bubble of a life right now. The kids hear bad words on the bus - the "s-h" word is shut-up, the "s" word is stupid and the "h" word is hate. I love that they don't really know how damaging words work. I love that their little eyes tell the honest truth even when they try to slide a quick one by. I love the bursts of laughter that come at mom's seriously dumb joke, some pun or play on words. I love this stage right now. Despite the endless laundry, the house that never stays clean, the kitchen that never closes, and the long bedtime routines. I wouldn't trade it for anything.
1 comment:
Kids are amazing and the scriptures even taught us that as you mentioned,that we need to become more like them.To be more humble.And I love how your daughter is so understanding and so sweet.Sounds to me your an amazing mom.You taught her right in which she needs to act.Hope you have a great Happy Mothers Day and I do appriciate your sweet comments on our family blog.Have a great one:)
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