He's such a darling boy but so sad when he's sick. The day he was sick he just wanted to be held. I didn't accomplish anything on the day's task list, no laundry, no cooking, no cleaning up after the other kids, or really parenting the other kids, yet I was busy all day holding Jake.

Look at those sweet brown eyes, he was just a sweet little warm lump all day. It could have been frustrating, but I think because he was my little #4 I just enjoyed holding him and taking a day off to just be with him.
This may sound funny, but sometimes it's nice to just snuggle a sick baby all day. I hope he's feeling better.
Cute blog Rach! I erased all my links, so was starting over by checking out people on mine. I know you said you weren't sharing, but I tried just in case, and here you are! It's really cool to be able to see some of your day-to-day again. And how can you not have a great blog with such cute subjects. What at great family...
Sarah Clark
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