Jacob is such a fun little boy! He smiles and laughs a lot, he dances and makes silly voices. He loves to wrestle. He's also really tender still and snuggly! I love my little man. He says lots of words, including "shoes".

The other day I was busy cleaning something, or making something, or helping someone and I just kept hearing Jake say "shoe-ss, shoe-ss, shoe-ss". I could feel him nudging me. He was just in a shirt and diaper but he wanted his shoes on. So I stopped whatever I was doing and helped the sweet little guy. He was one happy boy running around with his "shoe-ss" on.
Haircut anyone?

Apparently we have a budding little hair stylist. Maybe more of a hair cuttist than a hair stylist. Hailey has cut her hair multiple times but never seems to learn the lesson. This time I had a busy day and couldn't take her in to get it cleaned up until late afternoon but I should have because it made me a little grumpy all day. I called her my little 70's orphan. The 70's can only come back in doses and
please don't let the mullet return - "business in front, party in back" never again.