We were so tickled that Chelsea came to make our Spring Break! Our neighborhood was completely deserted, not a soul to find. Chelsea Duerden is our friend from California, currently attending BYU Idaho. She used to watch the little munchkins for us but has become much more than that! The kids were so sad when she had to go. I wasn't sure she was going to make it out the door.

This was the good-bye group hug - completely unprompted. They did not want to see her go. And neither did I!
Among other things we went on a worm-hunt/puddle-splashing-walk. Those interested in worms were "catching them". Due to tons of rain you had to watch your step there were so many worms on the sidewalks and roads. Our neighborhood was so deserted we just walked down the street without worrying about cars. It was nice but a little erie.

Lindsey was very interested in getting lots of worms, but not in picking ANY up. Hailey, on the other hand, was more than pleased to hold her slimy friends and add them to the top of the pile of worms in the trap.
Chelsea was a good sport and picked up worms, despite the gag reflex. If you look closely in this picture you'll see she gave this little wormy the chance to fly! That little blurb by Lindsey's knee is the worm. Don't worry, he wasn't harmed.
Those not interested in worms found puddles to splash in. Jacob especially enjoyed this and his new rain boots that he has been wearing every day since then.
Madeline liked it . . . .
Until she got cold. Chelsea was nice enough to keep her warm - thanks Chels!

By the end we had pleanty of worms - no, I did not count them. They got to go outside and stay on the deck. Then, it snowed and I'm afraid they didn't make it. Sorry, little worm enthusiasts!

After Chelsea left we did "toes on the line." This means I hollar "toes on the line" and their job is to come put their toes on the line where the carpet meets up with the hardwood floor for further instruction. They do pretty well at it with the exception of Jake (usually) who then lures Hailey away to play. Usually I have to hold the little fellow.