Monday, November 15, 2010

My Latest Addiction

These really are delicious. I found them at Costco, bought them, and ate them. Yes, it's an industrial size bag of chocolate covered pretzles. No, I didn't share.

I just found this picture from Easter. Maybe they do like each other......a little. Actually, for the most part the girls are super sweet to Jacob and he is super sweet to them. The other day I heard Hailey getting frustrated with Jacob and asked her what was wrong. She said "he keeps saying 'guess what?' and I know he's just going to say 'I love you.' He just keeps on saying it!" Yeah, that's a pretty big problem. If these were the only fights my children had I would be pretty tickled!


The Johnson Family said...

Love it! I am just so sad that I didn't know about this earlier...seriously, Rachael~you need to let me into your life more! :)

Your kids are absolutely adorable~I was most amazed at Jake and how big he is! Madeline is gorgeous and grown up and Lindsey and Hailey are beautiful!

Remind me again why we don't live next to each other?

Our Little Peneinei Kihs. said...

Okay,Im trying to put the picture together and your probably going to hate me for this,but where to I know you from?My family and I moved so much and I've met so many people and for the 'LOVE' of me.Im horrible at names,but looking at your pictures? Your husband looks familiar to me.Im sorry and you can kick me in the butt later!