Monday, November 15, 2010

My Latest Addiction

These really are delicious. I found them at Costco, bought them, and ate them. Yes, it's an industrial size bag of chocolate covered pretzles. No, I didn't share.

I just found this picture from Easter. Maybe they do like each other......a little. Actually, for the most part the girls are super sweet to Jacob and he is super sweet to them. The other day I heard Hailey getting frustrated with Jacob and asked her what was wrong. She said "he keeps saying 'guess what?' and I know he's just going to say 'I love you.' He just keeps on saying it!" Yeah, that's a pretty big problem. If these were the only fights my children had I would be pretty tickled!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

New Old House

We live in Portland, Oregon. It rains entirely too much. But, the pro to all the rain is the beautiful vegetation! It makes for the nicest views. So, we bought an older house and have been remodeling it...the reason we bought the house is that it is on 1.2 acres, which is really hard to find in this area, especially so close to Nike's campus.

We've owned the house since July, but I haven't emailed or posted any pictures so some of my family asked to's the grand McCauley house!

This is the family room - looking out from the fireplace...look familiar, Liz? I'm looking at buying a sectional for here, and a new rug since this one has made it's way down to the basement.

We are painting our baseboards so the bedroom is a little crazy in this pic, but you can see the huge window we put in so we can enjoy the scenery.

Looking from the kitchen into the family room.....nice and cozy. We're having the fireplace redone this week and should have bookcases built with file drawers at the bottom by Thanksgiving (cross your fingers for us).

Too dark, I know, but you can see the layout of the kitchen on the left and the dining on the right.

A better view of the kitchen. I love to cook and bake but I've never been a gaget person so I actually haven't minded having a small kitchen. I have lots of shelving in the garage for all those things I use occasionally....they'll make their way out this Thanksgiving!

Sunday walk

So, our family takes walks nearly every long as there's a slight break in the rain - we're out there. This was Halloween Sunday - our neighbors were preping their yard for their haunted walk. I asked the kids to give me their scary looks in the fog....pretty freaky!

This Blogging Thing

Okay, so I'm going to try this blogging thing again. I love reading other people's blogs but haven't really caught on for our family. Here it goes.